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Case study - getting Jona ready for school

Case Study = Jona 4.9 years. Feb - May 2016

Jona’s Oma (Grandmother) brought Jona to see me following her attendance at an Early Childhood Brain Gym® Movements course. She was caring for Jona 1 day a week, implementing a pre - school HIPPY programme and music class while his mother was working. She felt that he was not developmentally ready for school which was planned for 4 months later. Alison ( name changed) reported that Jona was born 6 weeks prematurely, movement milestones were within normal age but she felt that Jona was clumsy, “top heavy”, overactive at times and was going to have a challenging time at school. He has had ongoing speech therapy. Other concerns were immature static balance, tactile defensiveness, reluctance to use pencil and paper, and immature emotional control.

In these pictures, Jona is drawing a robot with 2 hands, and doing 2 Brain Gym® movements, (Cross Crawl and the Hook Ups) on Swiss ball.

Over 7 fortnightly sessions, Jona has made wonderful progress and his Oma is taking him on his first school visits. He is now initiating drawing and writing, is generally quieter and more compliant in focussed learning situations and is no longer falling down. These improvements have been noticed by his parents, Day care teachers and his grandfather as well. He is now much more “ ready for school”.


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