Educational Kinesiologist

About Janet
I am a Registered Educational Kinesiologist/Brain Gym® Instructor, NZ Faculty for Educational Kinesiology Foundation ( U.S.) Educator, and Rhythmic Movement International ( RMTi) Consultant.
BTchL., P. Grad Dip. Ed., Dip. T.E.S.S.O.L , Dip. E.H.C, SPELD Trained, NZ Trained Primary Teacher.
Helping children and adults reach their full potential is my passion. I have continued my interest in the Brain/Body modality of Kinesiology for 30 years while also working in Special Education.
In recent years, I have focused on primitive reflex integration with children and supporting adults through change processes.
I provide support for
Children with:
• Developmental issues ( clumsiness, handwriting, primitive reflex integration)
• Dyslexia
• Dyspraxia
• 2x E ( Twice exceptional + gifted children who are underperformin)
• Sensory Processing issues ( over/ reactive to sound, sensory seeking, etc )
• Anxiety and Attachment issues.
• Bed wetting and soiling issues.
Adults who would like :
Support to change direction in their lives.
To get back into emotional and physical balance
Support with stroke recovery
To be be present and grounded in a rushing world
To learn simple movement strategies to deal with stress and anxiety
To deal positively with ongoing sabotages - emotional or around self belief.

Neuro - developmental challenges
Integration of retained reflexes with home based movements.
NZ Faculty for International Educational Kinesiology foundation
Navigating services for your child in New Zealand