If your child is struggling, and/or is challenged with Developmental Issues, Clumsiness, Handwriting skills, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ASD, Twice exceptional, Sensory Issues, Anxiety and attachment issues, bed wetting
1-to-1 session. I combine a number of protocols tailored to meet your childs needs. These include goal-setting, movements.. Plus I draw upon Rhythmic Movement Training, stress release, Touch For Health and a follow up home programme.
1-to-1 consultations for people are stuck, and want to make changes in a balanced way. We work together to clear emotional blocks, make transitions and strengthen you to move forward. Let me help you find your sabotages and go forward with ease.
Let's create a pathway of success for your child with a plan to navigate and prioritise services that best suit the age and stage of your child. Each plan combines my knowledge of learning challenges, brain/body development and the education system.
I am one of 3 faculty members for Brain Gym International (Ventura USA). I teach most of the core courses which qualify someone to become and a registered Educational Kinesiologist and/or Brain Gym instructor. I present here and internationally.
Brain Gym Movements for everyday use - Brain Dominance profiling - Bilateral drawing - Movement based learning (role of primitive reflexes Great for teachers, parents, ECE groups, counselors and health professionals.